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How to do All the Disney Thrill Rides in a Day

disney thrill rides in a day

Are you a thrill-seeker heading to Florida? Resist the temptation to get distracted by the sharply-dressed mouse and the princesses, and you can quench your adrenaline thirst in each Disney World park in just one day. Below are the thrill rides you should head for, plus some tips on how to get around them!

Rule No. 1: Plan your route

Disneys inter-shuttle service includes buses, boats and monorails so be aware of the routes and transport system beforehand to optimise park time. Plan your transport with military precision. While your beginning point isnt too important, I would consider your final park, as depending on the season only one may have a firework display, and even adrenaline junkies love fireworks right?

Head for the mountains at Magic Kingdom


Source: flickr

Regardless of any rides, you cant go to Disney World without experiencing the vision of Disney, Magic Kingdom. Saying that, upon entry all that needs to be in your mind are the three mountains: Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain and Splash Mountain. With the first arguably one of Disneys most famous rollercoasters, although not necessarily the best, it is definitely a must-do. The latter two perfectly display how Disney can take a common, well-loved ride and still keep it unpredictable and exciting whether its the runaway train in Big Thunder Mountain or the log flume at Splash Mountain.


Yes it has the reputation of being the quiet member of the Disney Park family, but sometimes its the quiet ones that have the best secrets up their sleeve. The simulators within Epcot are just this. In Mission: Space there are no drops or loops, just an incredible amount of spinning to create enough G-Forces to pin you to your seat and make you really feel like youre on a mission to Mars. Soarin brings us back to Earth with the ultimate simulator – rising above a huge projection dome, its experiences like this that ensure Disney are still among the top innovators in the theme park world.

Animal Kingdom


Source: flickr

Make it a quick visit if you can tear yourself away from the animals, and head straight for Everest. Carrying on from the success of Thunder Mountain, Disney offer another Runaway train but this time it is the location and what might be hiding there that is the true thrill.

Hollywood Studios

Offering arguably the best thrill rides of all the parks, well begin with Aerosmiths Rock n Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios. Sitting in a limo shaped coaster, travelling from 0-60mph in a matter of seconds with Aerosmith classics blaring into your ears as you spin, drop and turn in the dark – only if you cant stand Steve Tyler and the gang will you not love this ride. The Tower of Terror is another perfect design with just the lead up able to exude chills and if it doesnt, the elevator dropping with you inside is sure to. For a thrill on a different level take the Studio Backlot tour but dont ask questions, as it is the unexpected nature that makes this ride what it is.

Is one day enough??

With this guide and the queuing times on your side, you can get the full Disney thrill ride experience in just a day. But I challenge those that do, to not want to do it all again tomorrow!

Kirsty Wood is a blogger and Lancaster University graduate who loves all things travel and outdoors. Shes been to Florida three times – in 2001, 2006 and 2012, visiting every Disney Park each time.

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About the author:

Kirsty is a blogger at You can also find her on twitter @KirstyWood.

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